LB Galleri consists of the following three main parts that can be selected in the main menu at the top of the page:

On the start page (”Home”) is the latest published material shown under the headlines “Latest pictures”, “Latest Blogs”, “Latest Projects” and “Latest Galleries”. Click on the information to transfer to the respective new material. Click on the headline to come to respective part of the web site. This is to make it easier for visitors to find the newest material.
Click on a picture to show them in larger format. Then full screen mode can be chosen to only show the pictures with dark background.
By clicking on the “up-arrow” in the bottom right corner, the top of the page will be presented.
In the top menu, language can be selected. After selection of languga, you are returned to the start page “Start/Home”. From there you can navigate troughout the web site.
In the top right corner is a search function that searches the website content.